Take a Step Towards Safety With A Free Fall Risk Assessment
If you or a loved one is at an age where falling becomes a risk, you might be looking around the living space and scanning the area for danger spots. You take note of the cords running along the floor and secure them properly. You move small furniture items out of the way and remove…
Learn About Our Energize Exercise Program With Elicia Stewart
At Prestige Senior Living, fall reduction is one of our core priorities. Falls represent one of the most pressing health concerns facing older adults – according to the CDC, every year 36 million falls are reported in that age demographic. Falls can have significant physical and emotional impacts on senior and their families. They’re the…
Improving Brain and Body Fitness – While Seated
Ageless Grace® is a brain-body fitness programPrestige’s residents enjoy tremendously. However, it comes with a twist: the entire program is done while seated. Many people who initially hear that believe the program isn’t for them – they might still be able to fully participate in sports and exercise activities, so a seated program? Too easy…
Learn More About Ageless Grace® Both Virtually and In-Person
As the calendar turns to February, we’re continuing tohighlightAgeless Grace®, a brain-body fitness programresidents of Prestige enjoyin our communities. Ageless Grace® has both physical and cognitive benefits as its 21 fitness tools are designed to challenge and stimulate participants, while also having fun in the process. All participants perform Ageless Grace® while seated – even…
Ageless Grace® and Neuroplasticity
Cognitive health is one of the primary concerns facing older adults and their families. How can you or an aging loved one maintain cognitive health? Can dementia and Alzheimer’s disease be warded off, or is memory loss an arbitrary fate one can only do so much about? There are steps people can take to maintain…
Interview with Denise Medved, the Creator of Ageless Grace®
Denise Medved is the creator ofAgeless Grace®, a brain-body fitness program enjoyed by theresidents at Prestige. The program came about after Denise observed her parents and their different ways of aging, as well as the challenges she faced with her own diagnosis of spina bifida early in life. She began to wonder if there was…
Ageless Grace® With Prestige Senior Living
At Prestige Senior Living we run a variety of different exercise programs to keep our residents fit and healthy. All have different purposes, and combined, they allow for longevity and overall physical, emotional and cognitive health. One of the most popular programs we run at Prestige is called Ageless Grace® – a brain-body exercise program…
Important Conversations for Caregivers
Caring for parents as they age presentsany number of emotional pitfalls, and amid the responsibilities that come with caregiving, there’s also the practical aspect of ensuring that your loved one has their documents and affairs updated. It’s not a fun task, and it can involve awkward conversations about finances and the future, but in addition…
Having The Conversation About Senior Living
Which Level of Care is Best?
Finances and Senior Living
Making the Move to Senior Living